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Found 1470 results for any of the keywords cruelty in. Time 0.007 seconds.
George Kennan Exposes Russian Cruelty in Sib..(Win 24,Vol:69 Issue:1)In the 1880s, the daring American journalist George Kennan first revealed the horrors of the tsar’s system of Siberian prisons, where the regime sent dissidents who favored democratic reform in Russia.
Humane Society InternationalHumane Society International (HSI) works around the globe to promote the human-animal bond and confront cruelty in all its forms. Learn more about our work.
Exposés and Undercover Investigations | PETAPETA entities undercover investigations expose animal abuse in laboratories, food production, the clothing industry, the pet trade, and more.
KIND ECO - The Art of a Kind, Ethical and Sustainable LivingThe Art of a Kind, Ethical and Sustainable Living
Be Cruelty-Free Campaign - Humane Society InternationalSign the pledge to Be Cruelty-Free
The Silver Spring Monkeys: The Case That Launched PETA | PETAIn 1981, one of PETA s founders set out to gain some experience in a lab and began working undercover at the Institute for Behavioral Research.
Animal Cruelty Investigations and Animal Rescue | ASPCARight now, animals’ lives are at risk. Learn how the ASPCA takes on animal cruelty cases and large-scale rescue operations, and how to report animal cruelty.
Our Work - Humane Society InternationalActive on nearly every continent, HSI is one of the few international animal protection organizations working to protect all animals—including animals in laboratories, farm animals, companion animals and wildlife.
World Animal Protection | Will You Help Animals in Need?Join our mission to create a world where animals live free from cruelty. Together, we can move the world to protect animals because every animal counts.
Alley Cat Allies | Advocacy and Action to Protect All CatsAlley Cat Allies is the world's leading cat advocacy organization. Improving the lives of all cats and kittens. Learn how to save pet and community cats: stray and feral.
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